Expert Services
Our expert has the task of analysing problem cases or making findings
and reporting them in the next step with an expert opinion.
service areas:
If necessary, reports/documents can be prepared for the following areas:
- Pollutant survey
From buildings and outdoor facilities to various components such as asbestos, fungus, sponge, PCB, PCP, PAH, dioxins, fire and field damage, as well as contaminated sites - Fire protection concepts, visualisation of fire protection, presentation of escape route and fire brigade plans
- Safety concepts
- Technical opinions
- Health and Safety Officer (HSO)
- Remediation planning
In addition: specifications, tenders, preservation of evidence and expert opinions - Calculation and processing of pollutant remediation
- Soil survey
For example, on water-polluting substances - Expert on fire damage and mould detection, evaluation and remediation
- Assistance with the classification of systems according to Section 39 AwSV (Ordinance on Systems for Handling Water-Polluting Substances) in the hazard levels
- Evaluation of systems according to Section 40 AwSV regarding the obligation to notify
- Evaluation of systems according to Sections 41 + 42 AwSV regarding exemptions from the suitability assessment
- Evaluation/creation or assistance with the system documentation of systems according to Section 43 AwSV
- Recurring inspection of a specialist company (storage/filling/handling and production/treatment/use systems)
- Determination of water hazard class(es)
- Determination of test times/intervals
- Testing and evaluation of pressure systems requiring monitoring and pressure vessel systems, as well as systems for filling compressed, liquefied gases or gases dissolved under pressure, as well as pipelines under internal overpressure, which are marked according to the CLP Regulation.
Cold casting compound patented by KH
with DIBt approval.
in accordance with the WHG
in accordance with ISO12944 and NORSOK M501